Meet astrologer, content creator, and artist Xyla Bones in today's episode! With an incredibly diverse background in architecture and engineering, Xyla's story coming to astrology (and many other corners of the spiritual space) is fascinating to hear about. Her perspective is singular and important. She's a straight shooter who fuses her keen intuition and grounded analytical skills to help clients in effective ways. She also takes a fearless stand against false spiritual practitioners and all the BS that plagues our community.
Is it possible to find Zeus at a 7eleven?
We're thrilled to introduce you to Xyla Bones, an exceptional astrologer, content creator and artist who we discovered on TikTok and have grown super fond of over the past few months. Xyla's perspective on astrology is desperately needed and fascinating to hear about. With a background in architecture and engineering, Xyla's approach in many corners of the spiritual space is both hyper intuitive and grounded in logic. She's an effective practitioner and a straight shooter who takes a fearless stand against false spiritual practitioners. Simply put, she slays the spiritual BS.
In today's episode, we're traversing a wide range of topics, so get cozy and enjoy this hilarious and insightful ride with us! You'll learn about the complex field of vibrational astrology, discover how Lilith and Chiron show up in your birth chart, and explore various dynamics about relationship astrology and how the stars can align for compatibility. We also dive into witchcraft, sex magick, twin flames, and working with Zeus (yes, the Greek God).
About Xyla Bones:
Xyla Bones is an astrologer, content creator, and artist. Future-focused but passionate about the ancient arts and symbolism, she emphasizes the importance of finding oneself through radical self acceptance and courage. Xyla's astrology is often spiritually focused but puts a sense of groundedness first. She empowers her audience to utilize astrology as a tool for their own success in any endeavor. To support people in their journey to self-discovery, Xyla offers astrological readings as a service and creates short-form content on TikTok, featuring astrological interpretations, a touch of comedy, and other spiritually-related information. Explore her work by following @xylabones on TikTok.
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