
Serendipity Sessions: Somber Submarines & Elemental Reveries

Episode Summary

Introducing "The Serendipity Sessions," a new series in the Clairannoyance podcast. Co-hosts Megan Lund and Ryan Marquardt invite you to drop in on their real-time, candid conversations.

Episode Notes

Introducing "The Serendipity Sessions," a new addition to the Clairannoyance podcast that invites you to drop into our real-time, candid conversations as they unfold naturally over an hour.

With the intent to revel in randomness and impart unexpected insights, “The Serendipity Sessions” is unlike our subject-specific deep dives and guest interview episodes. This is a pure reflection of how we bonded as friends in the first place, from thousands of miles apart. It's a living archive of the dynamic and spiritual discussions we never anticipate having but regularly receive. No outline, no rulebook, and no holding back. You’ll wander with us to the outer banks of consciousness where untouched treasures always manage to wash ashore.

This ongoing series is the truest essence of our sincere and unfiltered thoughts. It's an authentic expression and nourishment for connection. Fortified by a foundation of trust, we safely share as friends and co-hosts, unbound by fear of judgment or consequence. Some topics may not seem spiritual on the surface, but the dots always connect in the end. The sheer nature of this — an experimental dance with serendipity — is something we view as inherently spiritual in its own right.

Sudden insights and unexpected epiphanies often hold more value than meticulously planned discussions. By liberating ourselves from concrete topics and set schedules, it's impossible for any two sessions to ever be the same. We'll never know when the next installment is coming because we're giving ourselves permission to abandon routine. W're opening ourselves to chance whenever we feel the nudge, even if we're seconds away from hitting record on something else.

This is an alternative to the “new age” clickbait content over-saturating every platform. But instead of begging you to “stop scrolling, because this message is for you,” we give respect to the collective consciousness. If a specific thought or theme finds dominance in our lives, it’s likely to be a ripple from a much larger current. It's likely that someone listening is in that current, too. You'll find your way here whenever needed, and we hope you encounter pieces of yourself each time you do.

Serendipitous magic should be organic,
But don't despair, we have hints to share:

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